Monday, November 11, 2019

What I Bought This Week #45

Happy November!! Wow, we're in the last two months of the year and I'm still not sure where the first 10 went. This week was a whirlwind and I didn't bring much into the home as a result. There was a little bit of this and that, but mostly groceries. My friend came over last night and I made a vegetarian Japanese curry for her with extra-firm tofu. This was my first time using tofu in the dish and it was delicious! It will definitely be a repeat occurrence. Hubby recently watched The Gamechangers—a documentary about plant-based high performance athletes. I remember wishing he was with me when I initially watched it at Hot Docs so I'm doing a happy dance that it's finally been released. Since watching that, he's been more open to eating tofu. It's been lovely.

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