Sunday, November 3, 2019

What I Bought This Week #44

Happy Fall Back Weekend!!

This is one of my favourite weekends of the year. I feel like I have so much time and I can get so much done.

In terms of things I brought into my home this week, the highlight was definitely the little welcome gift from my new boss -- a sweet set of pencils. YES!! Perhaps I'm in the minority, but I still love using old school pencils that have to be manually sharpened. I certainly was the only one who still used those at my previous full-time job, but it seems as though my new part-time job has a soft spot for all things nostalgic and retro, which is so lovely for me. All that to say, WHEEEE I am loving my new job.

I'm still rather behind on YouTube videos, but now that the big part of one of my projects is done, I'll be working on posting some new content very very soon. x

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