Sunday, November 17, 2019

What I Bought This Week #46

Week #46 saw some pretty standard purchases, with two notable exceptions:

1) I forgot to post a photo of the Atomy Eco Mild Bubble Cleanser and Lip Treatment. I was going to switch over to my new-to-me phone for photos but changed my mind at some point... completely forgetting that I had one lonely photo on the iPhone for last week's post.

2) I bought a clear tea mug! This is technically not no-buy eligible; however, I thought it would be a good way to showcase the teas from the advent calendar during vlogmas. It was on sale so I decided to pick it up as an early Christmas gift to myself. :)

This coming week is going to be a lot of finishing up some of my project work and getting ready for Japan. I don't expect I'll buy many things as we have to finish up some food before we leave. I'll be back with post #47 next Sunday but #48 may be a bit late.

Have a great week!

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