Monday, March 4, 2019

What I Bought This Week #9

My tidying journey and daily posts on Authenblissity continue to occupy the majority of my time. So much so that I forgot to post my What I Bought This Week yesterday. A few updates since last week's post: after losing (for the gillionth time) to hubby on Oscar night, we had a wind storm in Toronto, followed by a snow storm, so I pretty much holed up in the condo all week, venturing out to the grocery store only briefly on Thursday because I absolutely had to. I had a BYOL (bring your own lunch) date with bestie the next day, so I needed to buy some spring mix to make myself a proper salad. Hubby and I also bought some snacks and beer to the same friend's place on Saturday night--she hosted a delicious night of hot pot where we completely overindulged. I didn't take a photo of what we bought that night, but we spent $50.96.

As an aside, after tidying valuables during my #30daytidyingchallenge, our coupons became front and centre, and I actually used two of them when I purchased groceries last week! I don't think a lot of people use coupons where I live, as I threw the cashier for a loop, she had to call a supervisor, and the customers behind me were subjected to quite a long wait. Oops. :( With the coupons, I got $10 off two jars of Maranatha almond butter and the Uncle Ben's rice for free. YAY! Also, do you see Lulu? She's playing peekaboo.

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