Tuesday, November 13, 2018

ProFusion Expo 2018

Hubby signed me up to go to ProFusion, which is an expo for people interested in photography and videography. He actually signed us both up to go, but the expo is happening during the day, and he has to work. Even though he couldn't make it, he asked me around four or five times over the past two days if I was planning to go. I wasn't sure yet, but he seemed so eager for me to check it out that I looked at the list of presentations and found a couple I was interested in. The first presentation I attended was at the main stage. Jessica Kobeissi is a YouTuber and photographer. She gave a talk that was essentially about perseverance and not giving up on your creative dreams. Her channel looks like it's full of content I would love so I can't wait to watch some of her videos.

The second presentation was at the Canon booth. Jesse Driftwood is a videographer, who changed the trajectory of his career when he mastered the art of storytelling on Instagram using a vertical format. He was full of energy and stressed the importance of honing your craft while doing work that excites you. Both presentations were incredibly relevant and inspiring. I also liked that both speakers echo something that I fundamentally believe: that creators will feel the drive to create regardless of gear. This blog post kind of parallels that concept, as I only took photos using hubby's hand-me-down iPod. The photos were really crappy, but black-and-white makes them better, so here they are anyway.

If you are interested in checking out the ProFusion Expo 2018, it is happening for one more day (Wed Nov 14 from 10am to 5pm). Both Jessica and Jesse are speaking again, and their presentations are worth watching. Tickets are free and available here.

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