Monday, September 3, 2018

The Best Kind of Ordinary

Labour Day Monday.
For some, the day before the first day of school.
For others, the day before heading back to work after a long weekend.
For me, the day before I start testing out my new routine.

Even though my last day of work was last Thursday, this Labour Day long weekend hasn't felt much different. I don't have the stress of going back to the office tomorrow (which is definitely nice), but I haven't had a chance to be bored either (which also happens to be nice). Today was the best kind of ordinary. Hubby and I spent lots of time together. We cooked. We cleaned. We talked. We laughed. We walked around. And we took lots of photos.

We haven't done this for a number of years, but sitting on the grass at the Toronto Waterfront, and taking photos of the air show is one of my favourite memories. The sound of the air show feels nostalgic to me, foreshadowing the shorter days and cooler weather that inevitably come with autumn, and evoking seemingly paradoxical emotions of apprehension and excitement. As we stepped outside, huge storm clouds threatened overhead, and the air show was temporarily halted for safety reasons. We still made our way to Harbourfront, and after waiting a while, we saw planes fly by in tight formation.

I brought my travel DSLR equipped with the kit lens and was pretty happy with the images I captured of various formations. The sky was delightfully dramatic and I was particularly excited to see this next drawing.

Then I saw hubby's photos. I should have known hubby meant business when I saw him with his semi-serious DSLR body and our super-serious lens. Some of his photos are so sharp that when I enlarge them, I can see the number and Canadian flag on the tails of the Snowbirds.

When looking at this little collection of images, perhaps you noticed that hubby's style of photography is very different from mine. His photos usually convey a beautifully dark moodiness, whereas I'm all about bright images. I find our different perspectives fascinating. It's one of the many ways we learn from and complement each other, and it makes ordinary days feel extraordinary.

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