Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Messy Voluminous Curly Hair Tutorial

How is it already the middle of 2014? We're halfway into the year and I still haven't worked out a foolproof blog strategy... is there such a thing? I'm going to lay it down now and develop a "strategy" on the fly - although I have been kicking this idea around for quite some time now. Basically, I'm going to try to post more frequently but each blog entry will likely be quite a bit shorter. I'm going to try to keep my blog more current by doing the following:

- Post a corresponding blog entry for every video I upload to my YouTube channel. This means I'll have a blog post up at least every 3-5 days.
- Continue with my empties posts.
- Continue with Travel Tuesdays (but still not every Tuesday). Next up will be my Italy trip (yay, I'm excited to re-live the trip through our photos).
- Continue with my Dior Polished Diva and Secret Diva unboxings until the end of 2014.
- Continue with my 2014 goals update posts. I've been behind on these but I'm still tracking my goals so I will post a mid-year update soon.
- Post more OOTDs. To be quite honest, I've been in a bit of a beauty rut lately... I've been less into watching beauty videos and more into watching fashion videos and vlogs. I'm sure my interests will continue to evolve over time so the content on my blog will reflect this.
- Put more effort into creating (and posting) beautiful images. I love photography, but I feel like I've been taking the lazy way out, so I'd like to start pushing my creative boundaries again.

In the spirit of my new blog strategy, here is my recently uploaded curly hair tutorial. In this video, I show how I style my flat Asian hair into a voluminous mess of curls. This is my absolute favourite way to wear my hair. I love big hair!

I love this style because I can wear it for at least 2 days. The curls are a little more defined on the first day, but there is still a ton of volume and texture. On the second day, the curls are more relaxed and my hair becomes a lot more fluffy. I love both styles, and since it only takes me around 10 minutes to curl my hair, I think it's well worth the effort. Please let me know if you prefer the 1st day hair or the 2nd day hair. :)

Hooray, it's almost the end of the work week!!

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