Saturday, March 15, 2014

2014 Goals Update - February

1. Beauty - be more thoughtful about purchases
- Annual goal: reduce spend on beauty and skincare products by 50% in 2014 (vs 2013)
- Annual goal: purchase only cruelty free beauty, skincare, and household products
- Biweekly/weekly goals: to be set throughout the year

UPDATE: I'm still doing very well with my goals in the beauty category! Towards the end of February, I definitely started feeling the urge to spend but I mostly resisted. 
- I'm well into using cruelty free toiletries and various products for the home and I'm hoping to do a video soon on some of my finds!
- I purchased 2 cruelty free brow products (Tarte Brow Mousse and Anastasia DipBrow Pomade) because my eyebrows have been looking a little sad lately and I want to give them some TLC. 
- I forgot to mention in January that I upgraded to the February Polish Lover Julep box... mostly to earn points so I could get a March box for free.
- In the first 2 months of 2014, I only spent 49% of what I spent in in the first 2 months of 2013 on cosmetics and toiletries. In light of my beauty ban success, I recorded a video with 5 of my tips and tricks to stick to your "no buy" or "low buy"... please let me know if you have any tips and tricks to share!

2. Home - continue to organize and declutter
In order to focus more attention on organization, I am increasing my budget for home spend this year. I plan to use the additional budget room for organization, whether it be buying more storage solutions, switching out our furniture, etc.
- Annual goal: none
- Biweekly/weekly goals: to be set throughout the year

UPDATE: I haven't been too diligent with setting biweekly goals so I will have to try a little harder on that front. Here are some things I accomplished in February:
- I dyed my Balenciaga Pompon as planned and I absolutely love my "new" bag!
- I'm planning to dye a pair of Birkenstocks - they are white and I think I would wear them a lot more if they were black.
- I'm continuing to swatch my nail polishes - I'm nearly done all my Juleps!
- We rearranged the living room a bit and got rid of a bunch of old junk we had lying around. 

On the list for March:
- I'm planning another de-stash giveaway - I'm hoping to do one every month or two.
- I'm going to bring out my spring/summer clothing soon (enough with winter, already!) and I am going to be very selective when editing my wardrobe.
- I'm going to continue swatching my nail polishes.

3. Financial - continue to save money
- Annual goal: meet my annual savings goal
- Biweekly/weekly goals: none

UPDATE: I'm only at 9% of my savings goal so I'm a little behind.

4. Petite Pear Style - create more synergy among PPS channels
I am really good at keeping up with my YouTube channel, but my blog and other social media channels are often neglected. For this goal, I'd like to work on creating more of a brand and synergy around PPS.
- Annual goal: none
- Biweekly/weekly goals: to be set throughout the year

UPDATE: I think I made some progress in this area, although the blog and Instagram are being neglected at the moment.
- I started using Google+!
- I updated my profile pic for the first time since starting my YT channel.
- I'm still thinking about what I want to do for my YT channel trailer. 

- I'm starting to share a little more on my Facebook page... if you don't follow me there, I just posted a link to this fun interview with one of my favourite celebrities:

5. Photography - focus on personal projects
- Annual goal: photo-a-day project of Hubs and me
- Annual goal: take annual family portraits for (1) Hubs and me with our pets, (2) my side of the family, (3) Hubs' side of the family
- Biweekly/weekly goals: none

UPDATE: Still doing well... didn't miss any days in February for my 365 project. :)

Did you set any goals for 2014? If so, how are you doing so far?

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