Tuesday, July 2, 2019

What I Bought This Week #26

Happy Canada Day to my friends in Canada! Happy Independence Day to my friends in the U.S.! I'm a little late with this post as we spent the majority of the long weekend out and about. Now that the Canada festivities are over, I'm eager to get back to my regular routine.

We are halfway through the year and I've been loving my 2019 no-buy. I've learned so much about myself and I've also drastically improved my relationship with money. This past week in particular was very light on money spent on things coming into the home; however, hubby and I have been enjoying a lot of meals out. We also booked a vacation a few days ago (more on that another day), which means my spending is starting to track a bit closer to my budget -- but I don't consider this a bad thing! The exercise this year was not to deprive myself, but rather to learn to use what I have and derive maximum fulfillment out of the money I do decide to spend. So far, it's been working with very few hiccups. There are a few things I've noticed that I want to improve, but I will save that discussion for my next update video.

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