Sunday, May 26, 2019

What I Bought This Week #21

It was my birthday week this week, so I didn't buy much by way of groceries or cook much at home. I definitely overindulged so I'll gradually be trying to get back to healthier eating again over the next little while. I forgot to take a photo of a food magazine that I picked up at Depanneur last week -- I read it cover-to-cover during an extended Epsom salt bath on my birthday and I can happily say that this magazine is fantastic. I also received a few birthday treats this week, which were lovely and delicious. The super delicious baklava and mini pastries are from Serano Bakery -- hubby and I always pick up a few treats on the way home from Lulu's vet. The selection is overwhelming, but you can't go wrong if you go with their recommendations.

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