Sunday, April 21, 2019

What I Bought This Week #16

Now that the weather is warmer, we've been going out a bit more -- this week was a little light on groceries as a result. I've also been forgetting to take photos of free things that we bring into our home, but I remembered this week. The first two photos are complimentary items we received last week -- a bunch of samples from Sample Source (I had put everything away, but I *think* I was able to gather everything I received) and a couple Kind bars from Lunchtime Yoga Classes at the Sony Centre. I won't be eating these Kind bars until May (i.e., after my no processed junk food challenge), but I love Kind bars, so my April challenge didn't stop me from bringing one home after each class. The doughnut from Timmie's is coconut raspberry and it was delicious! Hubby and I would normally have purchased two doughnuts, but we're trying to be good, so we bought one to share. Progress!

Hope you are having a wonderful Easter long weekend. x

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