Sunday, April 7, 2019

What I Bought This Week #14

We're in April already, and I've been chugging along with my no-buy. Once again this week, we've only purchased groceries, supplies for the home (e.g., cleaning products), pet necessities, and a few bottles of wine. The only item that was an impulse purchase was the Wild Rose 5 Mushroom Blend. I've been meaning to try a medicinal mushroom health supplement, but I hadn't done any research when I decided to buy this product. Instead, I wanted to meet a minimum shopping threshold for free delivery; however, this desire usually results in me spending way too much time shopping online, even when it's just for groceries! In the end, I'm happy I decided to pick up this product--it seems to help with my energy levels, and it doesn't taste as bad as some of the reviews suggest. :) Note: I forgot to take photos a couple of times, so there are two days showing empty bags and empty Boursin cheese boxes. These contained cheese buns, which have gone happily into our bellies. And yes, I dug through my garbage and recycling so I could take these two photos.

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