Sunday, March 24, 2019

What I Bought This Week #12

This week has been interesting. I've still been sticking to my no-buy, but I've been forgetting to take photos of our groceries--in particular, when we buy demi-baguettes. The first time I forgot, I dug the empty bag out of the garbage, but the next time, we had already thrown our trash down the chute. I also made a boo-boo on Amazon and bought a tiny bag of hay for what we would normally pay for a bag more than twice the size. We couldn't return it, so that was an oops on my part. Lastly, I was in need of some more vitamin B12 so I ordered online from Costco and stocking up on a few things we didn't need at this time. I'll do better this week. On a more positive note, we're pretty much done all our sweet treats, so we've been eating a bit more healthy lately! Lots of fruits and veggies, and I finally baked again today--I've been craving these coconut flour chocolate chunk bars that are oh-so-delicious.

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