Friday, January 4, 2019

2019 Planner Setup and How I Make My Own Planner Pages

My 2019 planner setup is pretty much exactly the same as last year. I've found a simple and functional system that works very well for me, so I'll be sticking with it. I've been using the Louis Vuitton Medium Ring Agenda Cover for years now, and I make my own planner pages. Here is how I do it:

Step 1: Download or make a template. I started off with a free word template from Philofaxy, and I've customized it over the years to suit my needs. For the Louis Vuitton Medium Ring Agenda Cover, the "personal" size fits perfectly.

Step 2: Print the pages. If using Philofaxy, print as per these instructions.

Step 3: Cut the pages to size. I use the Fiskars 9-inch paper trimmer.

Step 4: Punch holes in the pages. I use the Rapesco adjustable 6 hole punch.

Step 5: Write in the dates (if applicable) and start planning. My favourite pen is the Muji grey clicky pen (I didn't see it the last time I was at the Muji store in Toronto, so hopefully it's not discontinued).

That's basically it! Making my own planner pages doesn't take much time, is very cost effective, and suits my needs exactly. There's a bit of a learning curve the first time, but I promise it's well worth the effort.

Not sponsored. Amazon affiliate links included above.

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