Tuesday, November 20, 2018

A Day in the Life #2

Today was one of those days, when my friend asked me what I did, and I drew a blank. The hours flew by, but I have no idea how, so I thought I would document it in a blog post. I felt very happy and relaxed throughout the day, so I'll take that as a win. Here's how my day went down:

9:30am: woke up, kissed hubby goodbye as he left for work, and made a tea
9:45am: did my language lessons and read 10% Happier while taking an Epsom salt bath
11am: rinsed off in the shower and finished getting ready for the day while listening to a podcast
12pm: swept the floor and cleaned the bathtub
12:30pm: ate my first meal of the day, also known as breakfast, except I ate it at lunch time
1:30pm: finished recording/editing my Makeup Inventory video and responded to YouTube comments
3pm: fed Lulu, made a lasagna for tomorrow's dinner, and prepared our evening teas
4:30pm: ate leftover lentil soup, smashed potatoes, and pickled carrots for dinner
5:30pm: left the condo
6:15pm: met my friend at the Hot Docs Cinema for the Dal Puri Diaspora event
9:15pm: got back to the condo to find Lulu in the hallway (she accompanied hubby to throw out the garbage), took our daily photo, said hello to Truffle, and chatted with hubby
9:30pm: took off my makeup, continued chatting with hubby, went through my skincare routine, did a whole bunch of research on West Indian roti recipes (I'll be making this soon), responded to an email, and scheduled my Walmart grocery delivery

That brings me to this blog post! I don't have much planned for the rest of the evening. Hubby just left for the gym so I may try to do an hour or so of work. One of my other friends inspired me to do the 30-day plank challenge so I'll be doing a minute of plank at some point--I've been doing this daily since October 31st, and I think it has made a difference in my core strength and stomach definition. It's strange how the day can fill up with such ordinary things, yet feel so fulfilling. The night is still young (I've been sleeping at around 1am lately!), so off I go to do a few more ordinary things before bedtime.

See you tomorrow! x

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