Saturday, September 1, 2018

A New Chapter

I've thought a lot about this day. The first day of freedom after working full-time for 18 years. The day the dust settles.

On June 26th, I submitted my resignation notice. Since then, I've been going through the inevitable motions (and emotions) involved with leaving a place where I've spent so much of my life over the last decade. It has been a roller coaster ride, from finishing up as much work as I could, to explaining as best I could as to why I made this decision. I tried to think through and plan for all the different scenarios, but when you try to think about everything, you end up thinking about nothing.

I felt lighter, happier, and more excited than I've been in years, but no less confused.

Two months passed by in the blink of an eye. My last day in the office was August 30th and I posted my "Why I Quit My Job" video on August 31st.

But what would happen on September 1st? How would I feel? Would I regret my decision? What would the feedback be like on my video?

I woke up this morning and it was like any other Saturday... except I felt calmer, more relaxed, more content.
I feel wonderful.
I know my decision was the right one for me.

And the feedback on my video? Well, it was overwhelming. I have never been so close to tears when reading your comments. I felt so much incredible love and support from all of you, people who should be strangers but who really aren't. Thank you so much for being there, for caring, for understanding, and for seeing who I truly am.

Today marks the start of daily content on this blog... for at least a month but hopefully for my entire "gap year." I imagine that my daily content will include a mishmash of my thoughts, my fears, my hopes and dreams, my plans, my videos, my photography (past and present), and my other creative pursuits. Who knows what life will bring. While I'm eager to find out, I'm even more excited to be right here: in front of my computer, feeling all the feels, living in the present moment, with you guys. I hope you'll join me on this adventure.

How will I feel tomorrow? What will happen on Labour Day Monday? Will reality hit me on back-to-school Tuesday? Will I feel any different? We'll find out soon enough. In the meantime, let's enjoy today.


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