Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Eat Flock

Happy Canada Day! I've been looking forward to a couple of days off work because I've been meaning to try a new eatery in town: FLOCK.

In two short days, my hubby and I have managed to devour one whole rotisserie chicken, two pulled rotisserie chicken sandwiches, and two large custom salads. The rotisserie chicken is perfectly cooked and well seasoned (slightly spicy). You can choose between two sauces: Caribbean pepper or chimichurri, although we both preferred the chicken sans sauce. The pulled rotisserie chicken sandwich was delicious and will probably become a regular weekend indulgence for us. I was also excited to try the greens as I have been on a huge salad kick lately (who am I?) - I prefer going the custom greens route but there are 4 delicious sounding salads on the menu if you don't feel like choosing your own. Oh FLOCK, just take all my money now.

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